domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Tiempos Verbales en Inglés

Presente Simple: Verbo to BE
Affirmative sentence:
S+V (am-is-are)+ C (Adj-P.P)
I am intelligent.
She is in the classroom.
They are with the dentist.
Negative sentence:
S+ V (am-is-are) +not+ V ing + C.
I am not intelligent.
She is not in the classroom.
They are not with the dentist.

Pasado Simple: Verbo to BE
Affirmative sentence:
S+V (was-were)+ C (Adj-P.P)
-I was sick.
-She was in the classroom.
-They were with the dentist.
Negative sentence:
 S + V (was-were) +not+ C.
-I  was not sick.
-She was not in the classroom.
-They were not with the dentist.

Futuro Simple: Verbo to BE
Affirmative sentence:
S+ WILL BE + C (Adj-P.P)
-I will be a Bachellor.
-She will be in the Church.
-They will be very proud.
Negative sentence:  
S+ WILL not BE + C.
-I will not be a bachellor.
-She will not be in the Church.
-They will not be very proud.
Presente Simple: Verbos Reg-Irre  
Affirmative sentence:
S + Verbo en presente + C
-I speak English.
-She studies French.

Negative answer:
S+ Aux (DO-DOES)+not+ V + C.
- I don’t speak English.
- She doesn’t study French.

Pasado Simple:  Verbos Reg-Irreg
Affirmative sentence:
S + V past+ C
-I spoke English.
-She studied French.

Negative sentence:
 S+ Aux (DID) +not+ V + C.
- I didn’t speak English.
- She didn’t study French.

Futuro Simple: Verbo Reg- Ire
Affirmative sentence:
S+ WILL + Vpres + C
-I will study in Caracas.
-She will eat pancakes.

Negative sentence:
S+ WILL not + Vpres + C.
- I will not study in Caracas.
- She will note at pancakes.

Presente Progresivo:
Affirmative sentence:
S + Verbo to be (am-is-are) + Verbo ing + C.
Ex.  I am watching T.V.
       She is reading a book.
       They are studying English
Negative sentence:
S + Verbo to be en Presente + NOT + Verbo ing + C.
Ex.  I am NOT watching T.V.
       She is NOT reading a book.           
       They are NOT studying English

Pasado Progresivo:
 Affirmative sentense:
S+V to be(was-were) + V ing + C.
Ex.  I was watching T.V.
       She was reading a book.
       They were studying English
Negative sentence:       
S + V to be(was-were)+ NOT + Verbo ing + C.
Ex.  I was NOT watching T.V.
       She was NOT reading a book.
       They were NOT studying English

Futuro Progresivo:
Affirmative sentense:
S+(WILL BE) + V ing + C.
Ex.  I will be watching T.V.
       She will be reading a book.
       They will be studying English
Negative sentence:       
S +(WILL  NOT BE) + Verbo ing + C.
Ex.  I will NOT be watching T.V.
       She will NOT be reading a book.
      They will NOT be studying English

Presente Perfecto:
Affirmative sentence:
S + Aux(have - has) + Vp.p + C.
 Ex.  I have watched T.V.
       She has read a book.
       They have studied English
Negative sentence:
S + Aux(have - has) NOT+Vp.p + C.
 Ex.  I have NOT watched T.V.
       She has NOT read a book.  
       They have NOT studied English

Pasado Perfecto:
Affirmative sentense:
S+ Aux(had) + Vp.p  + C.
Ex.  I had watched T.V.
       She had read a book.
       They had studied English
Negative sentence:       
S + Aux(had) NOT + Vp.p + C.
Ex.  I had NOT watched T.V.
       She had NOT read a book.
       They had NOT studied English

Futuro Perfecto:
Affirmative sentense:
S+(WILL HAVE) + Vp.p + C.
Ex.  I will have watched T.V.
       She will have read a book.
       They will have studied English
Negative sentence:       
S +(WILL  NOT HAVE) + Vp.p + C.
Ex.  I will NOT have watched T.V.
       She will NOT have read a book.
      They will NOT have studied English

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